New Moon Lion’s Gate Portal Ritual: How-To Guide + Tips

Are people around you gearing up for the annual Lion’s Gate Portal phenomenon? If it’s summertime, they might be. The Lion’s Gate Portal provides a wonderful spiritual opportunity. If you feel like your spiritual life needs some rejuvenation, listen up.

In this article, we’ll teach you all about the Lion’s Gate Portal. You’ll learn valuable tips and how to perform a New Moon Lion’s Gate Portal ritual. Read on to enrich your spiritual knowledge!

What Is the New Moon Lion’s Gate Portal Ritual?

Every year from the end of July through early August (check annually for the exact dates), the Lion’s Gate Portal opens. It brings new beginnings. Spiritual strength. Abundant inspiration. It’s the perfect time to start fresh or rekindle your spiritual journey.

The Lion’s Gate refers to when the Sun moves into Leo territory. The Leo Zodiac sign symbolizes the lion. There’s one other factor involved in this Lion’s Gate Portal, though. That’s Sirius, the star that some refer to as the “Spiritual Sun,” a heavenly window to celestial wisdom. When Sirius aligns with the Sun, the gate opens.

At the same time, the New Moon appears. It gives you an opportunity to refocus. You can use this time of spiritual magnification to set your intentions. Reflect on your spiritual journey and consider where it may lead you.

When the New Moon in Leo appears and the Sirius star aligns with Earth, the Lion’s Gate Portal opens, granting many spiritual opportunities. 

So, now that you know what this phenomenon is, how do you celebrate it? Think about whether you’ll want to spend this time alone or with trusted loved ones. If your friends or your partner are interested, it can be a special time to connect.

new moon lions gate

Read on to learn about a powerful Lion’s Gate ritual you can perform during this mystical period.

How to Perform the New Moon Lion’s Gate Portal Ritual

Time to reveal the Lion’s Gate Portal Ritual. Throughout this ritual, you’ll find yourself reconnecting with the universe’s energy. Open your mind to receiving spiritual enlightenment and guidance. Try to step into this ritual with neutral energy and limited distractions.


  • If you don’t already have a place within your home or room dedicated to your spiritual practice, consider making one! Otherwise, find a comfortable, quiet spot.
  • Make your space feel more significant by decorating it or using fragrances that have a calming effect.
  • Seat yourself comfortably. Feel yourself unwind while you breathe deeply for several minutes, or however long it takes to relax and slow your heart rate.
  • At the end of your preparation, you should feel centered and clear-headed.


  • With your eyes closed, picture white light flowing over your whole body, starting at your crown. This pure white light is cleansing and healing. Picture the light growing stronger and stronger.
  • Repeat the following mantra: “I receive everything the universe offers.” You may also choose a mantra that feels right to you. 
  • As you calmly say your mantra, picture the mighty lion opening his powerful jaws. He releases more healing, energizing white light into your life and heart. Imagine yourself aligned with the lion’s power and energy.

Step Through the Portal

  • Picture yourself completely immersed in the lion’s white light. Visualize a golden gate opening up. This represents the Lion’s Gate Portal.
  • Step through this open golden gate into pure white light, which is the universe’s most powerful energy.
  • Feel the power of fresh beginnings. Imagine yourself succeeding in your next endeavor. Soak in the feelings of gratitude, love, and peace that come from fulfilling your dreams.
  • Meditate on this feeling and let it multiply within you.
the new moon lions gate portal ritual can help you reset and reap the energy of a new moon

Step Back Into Reality

  • Gently release yourself from the visualization practice when you feel ready. Allow your mind to once again return to a clear state.
  • Open your eyes.
  • Reflect on your journey in an aware, focused state, and journal about your discoveries if it feels right.
  • Go on your path with this new energy of inspiration and creativity!

The Best Time to Do the Ritual

Naturally, you’ll want to align this ritual with the New Moon and the period when the Sirius star aligns with Earth in Leo season. That is the required time for the Lion’s Gate Portal ritual. But what time of day or night is best? Does it matter?

If your schedule allows, perform the ritual at night under the light of the moon. Some prefer to do this ritual at the peak hour of the New Moon when the moon’s energy is strongest. If the timeframe isn’t possible for you, don’t worry! Simply try to perform the ritual within a day or two of the New Moon.

If you’re lucky enough to be next to a lake or ocean, you can incorporate the moon reflection on water to deepen your ritual.

The New Moon Lion’s Gate Portal ritual is most powerful when the sun is in Leo.

More Tips for Manifesting During a New Moon

Uh oh! Did you just miss the Lion’s Gate Portal period? Not to worry. You still have options to enhance your spirituality and refocus your intentions. A New Moon happens every month. Even if you don’t want to wait until the next New Moon, you can take action today to care for your spiritual path. 

Here’s a helpful ritual you can perform whenever you need a burst of spiritual energy. It’ll help you calm down and center yourself. You should feel grounded and renewed after this ritual. Start by choosing a candle and gathering note-taking supplies. Below is a little guide to the meanings behind different candle colors.

  • White Candle: Manifestation, spiritual cleansing
  • Blue Candle: Peace, patience
  • Pink Candle: Compassion, self-love
  • Green Candle: Abundance, prosperity


  1. Write down your goals for the month.
  2. Light your candle.
  3. Repeat a mantra of your choice. Example: “I am open to receiving ____ (your goal).”
  4. With your eyes closed, visualize yourself reaching your goal. Feel how incredible it is to achieve what you set out to accomplish.
  5. Spend as much time as you need in a state of visualization before releasing yourself from this meditation.
  6. Extinguish your candle with one final repetition of your mantra.

See, that wasn’t too hard! You can do this anytime you need a fresh start in your day, week, or month. Adjust it as needed to fit your own comfort level and intentions.

Want more information on spirituality and astrology, check out this article on Taurus and Pisces compatibility.

The Takeaway: The New Moon is a Time for Resetting and Manifesting

As you can see, the New Moon during Leo season is a wonderful way to hit the refresh button on your spiritual life. It’s the perfect time to spur yourself into action. It’ll help you feel rejuvenated and inspired. And if the Lion’s Gate Portal isn’t coming up anytime soon, take part in a New Moon ritual any month. It’s never too early or late to focus on your spiritual health!

new moon lions gate portal ritual