Heel Elevated Goblet Squats for Fitness Results

Squats are powerful movements for strength training. With so many varieties of squats, you might not know where to begin.

Perhaps you’ve seen lifters at the gym standing on plates or boards while doing squats. What are they doing, and what does that benefit? What’s the difference between flat-footed squats and raised-heel squats?

In this article, we’ll cover all of those questions and more. You’ll learn all about heel-elevated goblet squats, their benefits, similar exercises, and how to perform them properly. Stay tuned to enhance your next leg day!

What Are Heel-Elevated Goblet Squats?

The name reveals quite a bit about this type of squat. Heel-elevated goblet squats require you to raise your heels off the floor so your foot is flexed.

This move lengthens your quads and allows your knees to dip down more. You can do them with heavier weights and lower reps or lighter weights and higher reps – whichever you prefer!

What Muscles Do Heel-Elevated Squats Work?

Your glutes, quads, and calves will be working hard during this exercise. You’ll also work on your core stability and grip strength as you hold the kettlebell or dumbbell in your hands.

Strengthening your glutes helps with lower back pain and supports daily activities like walking or climbing stairs. So, squatting is worth it!

Doing heel-elevated squats supports the muscles you use when you do regular squats, but you may find that your quads burn even more.

If you’re a woman trying to gain weight, add these squats to your strength training routine. They’ll help you grow those quads and glutes!

Who Should Elevate Their Heels During Squats?

Elevated heel squats are ideal for anyone suffering from ankle mobility issues.

If you have trouble getting deep into your squats, they’ll help you be able to lower down more during the movement.

Basically, heel-elevated squats help you make your squats deeper.

Benefits of Heel-Elevated Squats

We’ve discussed the benefits of sitting up straight. For those who like to read

1: Make Your Squats Deeper

When you raise your heels, you’ll be able to dip lower into the squat.

2: Boost Your Knees’ Range of Motion

The elevated heel helps your knees get an improved range of motion.

3: Target the Quads

This exercise is phenomenal at enhancing muscle fiber activity in your quads.

Disadvantages of Elevated Heel Squats

You’ve learned about a few benefits of heel-elevated squats, but are there any downsides to them? Check out these potential disadvantages below.

Make Knee Problems Worse:

Do you have knee problems already? Don’t do these. They might exacerbate the issue and you may experience knee pain.

Muscle Development Imbalance:

If you only do heel-elevated squats, your quads may develop at an imbalanced rate. That’s why it’s critical to do other types of squats, including regular squats, for balanced muscle growth.


You’ll need to work on balance during this exercise. Take care when setting up your squat station to avoid falls or injuries.

heel elevated goblet squat how tos

How to Do Heel-Elevated Squats

  1. Position the Platform: Set up your board or plates. The platform should only be high enough so your heels have a slight lift.
  2. Set Your Stance: Stand with your toes on the floor and heels on the plate, spread about hip distance apart.
  3. Hold Your Weight: It’s easiest to grip the kettlebell upside down. You can also use a dumbbell for weight if that’s more comfortable.
  4. Do the Squat: Dip down while keeping a neutral spine. Go down at least to the point where your thighs become horizontal to the floor.
  5. Repeat: Repeat for a set number of repetitions and sets (example: 3 sets of 12 repetitions).

Quick Tips to Do the Perfect Heel-Elevated Squat

Ready to get started? Wait! Take a look at these tips to live by as you do your heel-elevated goblet squats.

  • Keep a neutral spine at all times.
  • Keep your chest high during the squat.
  • Engage your core throughout the process.
  • Don’t roll your feet or knees in or out.

Don’t Make These Mistakes While Squatting

When you first start doing heel-elevated squats, you might be tempted to make some mistakes. You may not even realize that they’re mistakes! Read these common errors to avoid unnecessary struggling.

Heel Is Too High

If you position your heel too high, you may struggle with stability and balance.

Make sure the platform you use isn’t so high that it’s uncomfortable.

No Arch Support

If you have high arches, ensure you’re wearing the proper shoe support for this exercise.

The bottom of your foot needs to be completely secure so you can safely execute your squat.

Squats for Bicyclists

Ever heard of the cyclist’s squat? It’s basically a variation of the heel-elevated goblet squat.

Just put your heels even closer together to pull off the cyclist’s squat. It’s a simple adjustment that will make a huge difference in the burn your quads feel.

High Bar Back Squats

In a high bar squat, the barbell rests high up on your back. That is, the bar rests on your trapezius muscles.

This squat requires your feet to be hip-width apart. Grip the bar securely as you squat down with it on your shoulders.

A back squat like this (with no heel elevation) means you have to have decent ankle mobility to get the proper squat dip.

Looking for more lower body burn? How about adding some great barbell hip thrust alternative exercises to your workout roundup?


Can you do flat squats?

Regular squats are essential for lower-body days. Don’t skip them! Use your newfound heel-elevated squats to enhance flat squats.

How do I do a heel-elevated squat?

Use a platform (like a plate or a board) to stand on. Stand with your heels on the platform and your forefoot on the ground. Squat in this stance.

Will I get knee pain if I squat with my heels up?

Knee pain is possible in this position, so don’t do heel-elevated squats if you have knee problems.

how to do heel elevated goblet squats