How Often Should You Wash Your Hair for Hair Growth?

Hair loss, hair damage, and hair that just doesn’t seem to grow may all be symptoms of a poor hair-washing routine. So, how often should you wash your hair for hair growth? What do experts say about hair washing frequency depending on your hair type? Keep reading to learn the answers to these questions and more!

How often should your hair be washed?

Let’s get right to the point. If your hair feels greasy and dirty, wash it! You should wash your hair if it’s dirty, no matter what your hair type is, according to My Hair Doctor founder Guy Parsons. Try washing your hair less frequently and see how you cope. Perhaps you can go longer than you think you can in between washes.

“If you don’t wash your hair for long periods, there will be an accumulation of natural oils, bacteria, and dead skin cells that can cause oily hair.”

On the flip side, washing hair too frequently might stimulate your scalp’s oil glands too much. And, as you can guess, that will lead to abnormally oily hair. So, it’s a fine line between over and under washing. You must test your washing habits on your specific hair to figure out what’s best for you.

Let’s hear what Mark Townsend, celebrity hairstylist, has to say. According to Townsend, many shampoos out there remove the hair’s natural oils. He’s a fan of styling hair that’s not completely clean. And if it is squeaky clean, he uses dry shampoo to add texture and hold to the hair. He always recommends using a dry oil that penetrates hair ends to keep it healthy. And don’t even think about shampooing without following up with conditioner!

After a couple of days of using multiple products or sweating it out in a sauna or at the gym, you’ll need to wash your hair. You can skip a wash after one or two sweat sessions, but the hair and scalp will probably be too dirty after that.

How often should you shampoo your fine hair?

Is your hair fine? If so, you may need to tweak your hair care routine. In most cases, fine hair requires more frequent washes. That’s because there are more hairs per square inch on your scalp if you have fine hair. More hair means more hair follicles. More hair follicles mean more oil is produced from those follicles, leading to greasier hair. 

If you have fine hair, you’ll want to find a gentle, non-creamy shampoo. Now, these are generalizations, so you may have fine hair that tends to be on the dry side. Try to find a shampoo and hair washing routine to leave you with nongreasy hair most of the time. You want to avoid grease building up on the scalp, as makes the hair look flat and stringy and makes it harder to wash out.

how often should you wash your hair for hair growth
You may need to wash fine hair more frequently.

What can you do to keep your fine hair fresh between washes? First of all, use a clean brush. If you leave old, greasy hair strands on your brush, that grease transfers to your hair. The same goes for any tool or product that touches your hair.

Dry shampoo is another excellent way to maintain your fine hair’s appearance in between washes. Just what’s so special about dry shampoo? Well, it contains starch or alcohol that absorbs your hair’s natural oils. The result is a cleaner, fresher appearance. You can also add a bit (or a lot) of volume using the right dry shampoo. That extra volume may work wonders for those with fine hair who usually have flat-looking hair styles.

Hair of any thickness soaks up smells. If you stand by a barbecue pit or attend a smoky club, for instance, those smells will stick to your hair. Note that in these cases, you’ll want to properly wash it instead of just using dry shampoo. Anytime your hair feels or smells dirty, grab your trusty shampoo and conditioner for a full wash.

How often should thick hair be washed?

Now that we’ve covered fine hair, let’s move on to thick hair! If your hair is thick, it’s likely to be drier than other hair types. As a response to this condition, it’s best to wait three or even four days between washes. 

With all that thick hair, be sure to rinse thoroughly after you shampoo! The last thing you want is for leftover shampoo to get stuck in your hair. If that happens, the shampoo will cause your hair to dry up even faster. Dandruff may occur as a result.

In addition to rinsing the shampoo out of your thick hair, what else can you do to keep it hydrated? Before every other wash or once a week, you could consider hair masks. They’re a wonderful way to restore moisture to your thick hair. Look for ingredients like macadamia oil or argan oil as you shop around for hair masks. Of course, just be sure to wash and rinse thoroughly after your mask.

How often should you wash Afro-textured hair?

Is your hair Afro-textured, coily, or curly? If so, hair washing can be much less frequent. Depending on how your textured hair is styled, wash it every other week or less often than that. If you have cornrows, you can wash them every two, three, or four weeks. Weaves can be washed every one or two weeks.

Afro-textured hair has individual strands that grow in a helix shape. The type of hair strand can vary from fine, thick, or coarse, and the pattern, density, and feel vary. Depending on the pattern, Afro-textured hair can appear very different. So, you’ll have to find out what hair-washing routine works best for your specific hair texture.

Using hair oils is helpful in managing curly or coily hair. It can prevent dryness in between those washes and make your hair appear more smooth and healthy. Just refrain from applying oil products directly to the scalp so your roots don’t get more oily than the rest of your hair.

Remember, one hair product may work for someone else’s Afro-textured hair and not yours. Don’t let that discourage you! Just keep trying and keep adjusting your hair-washing schedule until you find what works for you.

What happens if your hair isn’t washed often enough?

Have you accidentally or purposefully gone too long without washing your hair? Many of us have been there. Hopefully, you’re not too familiar with all the issues that can result from not washing your hair frequently enough! Let’s go over the effects so you’re aware of what might happen.

When you don’t wash your hair, its natural oils start building up. With nowhere to go, they sit on your scalp and work their way down the length of your hair. Too much oil causes scalp acne and dandruff. Over time, dead skin cells on your scalp will accumulate. Bacteria can even develop, making your scalp itchy.

Keep your hair healthy by following a proper washing routine.

If your scalp becomes irritated or itchy, you may scratch it too much, causing skin damage. With enough dirt and bacteria buildup, you could face a serious scalp infection. Clearly, this condition isn’t healthy for your hair. You must unclog hair follicles with regular hair washes. 

A trichologist is an expert on issues related to the hair or scalp. They don’t normally recommend frequent hair washes. If you wash your hair too much, it can result in hair damage. That’s why it’s crucial to find a balance.

What happens if you wash your hair too often?

Expect dry or dull hair if you wash your hair too much. Frequent shampooing can even cause your scalp’s pH levels to rise. The result? A flaky and itchy scalp. Plus, frequent washes can damage your hair, making it brittle. 

If you can’t get around washing your hair frequently, there are some tips you can use to protect your hair and scalp as much as possible. Use a soft, microfiber towel when drying your hair to prevent breakage and keep in more moisture. Be gentle with wet hair and try to avoid using heat products, like blow dryers or straighteners. 

Don’t forget good nutrition when it comes to boosting hair growth. Make sure you’re consuming enough protein, veggies, fruits, and healthy fats. And if you like to juice, try adding celery juice to help boost hair growth.

Experiment with hydrating products, like dry oil, to keep your hair as healthy as possible if you have to wash it frequently. And, of course, consult a hair stylist or trichologist for personalized advice to help your hair stay healthy and grow longer. With these tips in mind, you’ll have luscious locks in no time!

how often should you wash your hair for hair growth

If you’re experiencing the opposite problem, here’s an article on why facial hair grows so fast.