Black Seed Oil Benefits for Lungs

Big pharma has a few tricks up its sleeves, but what about natural remedies, specifically for lung health? On that topic, black seed oil is worth closer examination.

According to some research, black seed oil benefits for lungs may include relieving symptoms of respiratory diseases, among other advantages. Keep reading to learn the ins and outs of black seed oil and how to add it to your health routine.

What Is Black Seed Oil, And Where Does It Come From?

Starting with the basics is always a great idea, so let’s back up for a moment and explain exactly what black seed oil is. It comes from Nigella sativa, the black cumin plant. This special plant originates from Asia and the Middle East. 

Vitamins and nutrients are plentiful in the black cumin plant. They include antioxidants and essential fatty acids, among other nutrients.

All of the compounds in black seed oil help with health issues in the respiratory system by lowering inflammation and increasing your body’s immune response. Black seed oil may even help with digestive issues.

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Is Black Seed Oil Good For Lungs?

There’s no doubt that black seed oil has been used by humans for thousands of years. Yes, thousands! Black seed oil was discovered inside the tomb of the famous young Egyptian king, Tutankhamun. Clearly, black seed oil was highly valued in this ancient culture. But can it help our lungs?

In modern society, black seed oil has become popular as a natural supplement for certain health problems, respiratory issues being one of them. This oil may help the lungs by lowering symptoms of asthma and bronchitis.

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The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties help ease congestion and sore airways. By relieving these symptoms, breathing becomes a little easier.

Note that black seed oil should not be an exclusive substitute for medical treatments provided by a licensed healthcare professional. If you are struggling to breathe, seek medical attention.

Using black seed oil should only supplement treatments that are evidence-based. More research on black seed oil is needed before it’s integrated into lung health treatments.

Similar to the way Omega 3’s act as an anti-inflammatory, black seed oil does as well.

What Are Black Seed Oil Benefits For Lungs?

Let’s get into the specific benefits of black seed oil. This substance offers a few key health advantages that are worth looking into, so keep reading!

Thymoquinone is a naturally anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich compound. This compound is – you guessed it – in black seed oil. The natural properties of thymoquinone may help improve your lung functionality.

This compound might also support your body and help you fight against lung problems like asthma or COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

black seed oil benefits for lungs
Oil from the black cumin plant may be beneficial to your respiratory health.

Now, these anti-inflammatory and antioxidant characteristics might go even further than helping ward off asthma or COPD. Black seed oil could play a beneficial role in helping with multiple respiratory discomforts.

Let’s focus on asthma for a moment. It’s a chronic condition caused by inflammation that blocks your airways. Asthma attacks are serious occurrences that could quickly turn into medical emergencies. If asthma isn’t handled properly, it can be life-threatening.

Asthma symptoms include tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, and wheezing. Rescue inhalers help immediately resolve asthma symptoms, and there is long-term medication available to help people manage it.

Using black seed oil may help you prevent asthma symptoms. If there is less inflammation in your lungs and airways, you may be less likely to begin wheezing or breathing shallowly. Taking black seed oil orally may help boost lung function for people using inhalers.

Seasonal allergies and hay fever are other respiratory concerns that black seed oil may help with. In one study, those who took black seed oil over the course of eight weeks had lower levels of allergy symptoms like sneezing and itchy eyes.

Another study showed promising results for black seed oil’s role in lowering the severity of pneumonia symptoms. Since pneumonia is an inflammatory respiratory issue, black seed oil fights inflammation to reduce its severity. Bronchitis is another inflammatory illness of the respiratory system that black seed oil can help. This oil may lower bronchitis symptoms, like coughing and shortness of breath, according to one study.

How Much Black Seed Oil To Take For Lung Health 

Organic Black Seed Oil 4oz - USDA Certified - High Thymoquinone, Turkish Origin, Pure Nigella Sativa - Cold Pressed, Unrefined, Vegan - Omega 3 6 9, Antioxidant, Immune Boost, Joints, Skin & Hair

As you read through the benefits of black seed oil, you may start to wonder how to actually get these benefits from black seed oil. How much should you take, and what’s the best way to ingest it? Let’s discuss this topic now.

First of all, before you venture into using black seed oil for lung health, consult with your trusted physician. Explain your goals with taking black seed oil and ensure that it’s safe for you. Your doctor will be able to verify whether this supplement is the best option, given your particular circumstances.

It’s most common for adults to take doses of about 1 or 2 grams of black seed oil. You take each dose daily for several weeks to relieve some of the symptoms we mentioned above. Similar benefits come from black seed powder, which still comes from the same black seed plant. In powder form, the daily dose is about 1 or 2 grams. (Source: MedlinePlus)

How To Use Black Seed Oil For Lungs

The importance of consulting your healthcare provider for lung issues can’t be stressed enough. Once you have done so, consider black seed oil as a natural supplement for symptom relief (not a cure-all). 

Thanks to black seed oil, benefits for lungs are numerous. As we’ve discussed already, black seed oil helps with symptoms of diseases like asthma, tuberculosis, and bronchitis.

Here are a few ways you can use black seed oil. Try these methods to relieve the side effects of inflammatory respiratory issues.

Diffuse black seed oil using your favorite diffuser. Inhale the oil vapor deeply. This practice should help clear any congestion in your sinuses and lungs while boosting your immune system and lowering inflammation.

Add your black seed oil supplement to a glass of water. Mix it with honey and lemon juice for flavor, and drink this daily to help your body’s immune response.

Black Seed Oil Side Effects And Warnings

While black seed oil carries many benefits for your lungs, does it come with side effects? Before using black seed oil, talk to your doctor about it. Black seed oil is generally safe to use and does not have side effects, but you should start with a small dose.

Some people are allergic to the black cumin plant. In that case, an allergic reaction may occur when you take black seed oil. When starting any new supplement, you should proceed slowly and with caution.

The Takeaway: Black Seed Oil is Beneficial for Lung Health

By now, you have a few fascinating ideas of how black seed oil benefits your lungs. With so many possible benefits, what will you start using black seed oil for? This natural oil’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties make it a good choice to supplement respiratory health.

Using black seed oil may reduce congestion, calm your airways, and boost your overall immune system, making it worthy a try!